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Delivered: It is Finished

Posted on 14 Apr 2019, Pastor: Mike McClellan
Jesus endured the pain and humiliation of the cross in order to accomplish all the work necessary for our redemption. It is finished.
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Delivered: On My Behalf

Posted on 07 Apr 2019, Pastor: Mike McClellan
Jesus was delivered over on my behalf in accordance with God’s plan to make his son a sacrifice for me, thereby thwarting the plot of Satan.
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The Bread of Life: The Living Bread-Adopted by Faith

Posted on 31 Mar 2019, Pastor: Mike McClellan
To partake of the living bread is to adopt by faith the person and work of Jesus Christ that leads to a changed life now and eternal life at the last day. Partaking of the living bread is to adopt by faith…
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The Bread of Life: The Faith that Leads to Life

Posted on 24 Mar 2019, Pastor: Mike McClellan
The faith that leads to life conflicts with human perception. To find life we abandon our human understanding and simply trust Jesus.
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